
I can't believe this actually worked! I've literally tried every diet you can think of from vegan to carnivore to fasting and everything in between and I was unsuccessful with all of them.

As a firefighter and a father my weight was a real problem. I'm very grateful and proud to write this testimonial and assure the person reading this that the program works! I actually feel like I went to college and got a degree in fitness and nutrition. I now know how to manage things like going out to eat or having a bigger meal with the guys at the department. I lost 23lbs in 2 months! I still have another 20 to go but this is far and away the most successful I've ever been with weight loss. My advice: take the before picture. I wish I had!

-Kevin S.

The first day I trained with Jake I had just turned 70 – and my instructions to him were “Do not treat me like an old lady!” Now, fourteen years later, he still does not treat me like an old lady which is why I am willing to drive all the way from Brookline to continue to be persuaded to do more than I think I am able to do – including pushing an 85-pound sled up and down the gym.

Jake can train anyone effectively – from me to my teenaged grandson.  He builds strong relationships with all his clients because he genuinely cares about their welfare.  He takes time to understand individual needs and personalizes every work out to help you realize your fitness goals.  Jake pushes me beyond what I ever thought I could do, so that I leave the gym each day with a true sense of accomplishment.

During the pandemic I was enormously concerned that I would not be able to train and would lose all that I had gained during my years of working out.  Jake arranged a schedule of virtual training sessions which were almost as good as being in the gym.  He used every minute of our time productively and I felt as though I got an excellent workout from my home.

I have never liked exercise and when I exercised with other trainers I always dreaded my appointments.  I actually look forward to working out with Jake – and I attribute the good shape I am in at 84 to his consistent adherence to not treating me like an old lady.

-Gail S.

I've journeyed with multiple trainers in the past, but it was only when I teamed up with Julie Louro that I witnessed a profound transformation in my physique. Today, I can proudly say I'm in the best shape of my life, and much of that credit goes to the more than a decade of guidance I've received from Julie. To label her merely as 'amazing' would be an understatement. Her profound knowledge spans both fitness and nutrition, and she's perpetually updated with the latest research and findings. During the COVID crisis, her adaptability truly shone when she seamlessly transitioned to offering virtual training sessions. Even in such challenging times, I continued to see progress under her expertise. My introduction to Jake was through Julie, and when my teenage son aimed to enhance his soccer fitness, Jake was my go-to. His patience and dedication ensured my son mastered the correct form and techniques—skills he continues to employ during his college years. Together, Julie and Jake make an extraordinary team, catering to all ages and fitness levels. They are adept at pushing your boundaries, taking you to uncharted territories in your fitness journey and beyond!

-Bea W.

When I sought out personal training, what stood out about this service was the full attention given to my specific needs. The benefits I've experienced have been transformative; not only have my backaches disappeared, but my stamina has surged and there have been notable improvements in my mental strength and quality of sleep. Not to mention that my kids can’t stop grabbing my arms now. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone. A particular experience worth highlighting was during and post-Covid. While in-person training is unparalleled, I was pleasantly surprised at how effective their online training sessions were. Their expertise shines through in any medium, proving that virtual training truly works!

-Dr. Kumar W.

I have been a loyal member of the 'Julie Legacy Crew' for nearly a decade, following her transition from Healthworks to PEX. My initial partnership with Julie came about fortuitously after the sudden exits of two previous trainers, and what a serendipitous turn it proved to be. As a senior citizen, my main aim is to maintain and enhance strength and balance, ensuring an active, healthy lifestyle. Under Julie's expert guidance, I've not only preserved my strength but also observed significant improvements in muscle and conditioning over the years. Even during the challenging years of COVID, our transition to virtual training was seamless, and the quality of the sessions remained top-notch, showcasing that her expertise is versatile and adaptive. Julie’s approach, a perfect blend of professionalism and personal touch, is what sets her apart. The success of our sessions isn’t just gauged by tangible results but also by the well-thought-out weekly workout plans she crafts, her knack for accurately gauging my capabilities, and the safety she ensures – I've never once been injured under her watch. Beyond her technical skills, Julie's warmth, encouragement, and genuine empathy have cultivated an enriching personal connection. Fitness isn't just about business; it thrives on mutual respect and understanding. Julie has been an absolute delight to train with, and I'm proud to be a part of The Louro Fitness Crew. If you're looking for an effective, personable trainer, I wholeheartedly recommend Julie.

-Peggy M.

I started training with Jake approximately two years ago based on a recommendation from another trainer. I can honestly say that in that time, Jake has been instrumental in helping me transform my body and lose over 50 lbs!

Jake possesses a rare combination of fitness knowledge and people skills that translates into great results for those he trains. His enthusiasm for his work shows and is infectious. He is wonderful at providing feedback, encouragement and positive reinforcement. As he has worked with me through my different levels of fitness, I feel he is well qualified to train people from all walks of life. He somehow makes working out both rigorous and challenging but also fun and invigorating. No matter how cranky or stressed I am before, I am always in better spirits at the end of one of our training sessions!

Jake has also been integral in helping change my eating habits. His commitment to his own nutrition has served as inspiration in helping me adjust my own diet – with great results with respect to my weight and energy level!

In short, I truly value the time I have training with Jake and would not hesitate to say that he has immeasurably improved my quality of life.

-Iris F.

Jake Louro was my first personal trainer.   I did not know what to expect, and I was more than a little nervous.  I laugh when I think back on that first session almost three years ago!  Jake immediately put me at ease.  He was interested and encouraging, and I loved every minute!   In fact, I felt spoiled!  He has an uncanny ability to connect with those he trains. Thoughtfully, he remembers little details from week to week and never fails to inquire how something has worked out.  

I ask myself frequently, what about Jake is so inspiring?  Not only is he knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness, he "walks the walk" and he lives his truth. That commitment, coupled with his investment in my progress, makes me want to give everything I possibly can when I am training.  

-Candace M.

Jake is truly a life saver!!!!!   

Literally when I was quitting the gym and giving up on weight loss and health four months before my wedding in 2012, I was paired up with Jake to give it one last shot! Best thing that has ever happened to me! From that very day, I have worked out with Jake 2x/week for 1 hour sessions.  He is seriously the best trainer I have ever come across.  He is not only knowledgeable about exercise, but he is very knowledgeable about health and nutrition.  He continuously studies so that he can provide his clients with as much information as they may need to live a better and healthier life.  I have never felt more strong, fit, self-confident, alive, and well.  He truly makes working out enjoyable.  He has kept track of every single workout I have done and the times, so that he can track my progress and make sure he is pushing me to my limit.  He comes up with new and challenging workouts EVERY session.  He encourages me, motivates me, and inspires me.  I hope the other trainers take note and can learn from him.  I am so thankful to have met Jake and even more thankful that I get to train with him.

-Molly S.

Jake's enthusiasm for good health is contagious. He's changed my life! There's no comfort zone when training with him. He makes every training session unique, challenging, fun and personalized to your level of fitness.  He's a savvy, confident and passionate professional who doesn't shy from making you work extra hard to get great results.  And results are what I've been getting since I've started  training with him. I've already reached my first goal, which I couldn't have done without him: loose the baby weight! Now, every day, I work hard to stay healthy, get stronger and be an active person, us much as I can.  Thanks, Jake, for changing my life and guiding me through this new lifestyle I can't get enough of!

-Kica C.

It's hard to sum up in few words as I have really loved and hope to continue with my ass-kicking, upside down training with Jake. All I can say is he has helped me find the joy in working my body hard and focusing on all I CAN do despite my various injuries. Also, no matter how I feel heading into our training session, I know  i will feel much better in a mere 60 minutes.

-Robin S.

I have been training with Jake for close to eight years now and I can say that over that time my strength has improved tremendously.  Whether I was training for a marathon or recovering from a running injury, he has paid close attention to my goals and limitations and changed the workouts to suit them.  Each session pushes me to my limit, making me work harder than I would if I were going to the gym by myself.  He records all of the workouts and occasionally we repeat one to see how I stack up against my previous time.  I am happy to say that although I've been getting older, my times keep improving!  I can't imagine not going to him as part of my weekly routine.

-Jon S.

I saw Jake training someone else by happenstance and was impressed with his easygoing, friendly ways. Far away from the stereotypical shouting drill sergeant style of doing things, Jake knows how to get the best training by emphasizing the right form and explaining the physiological reasons for it, and getting the best out of every client in a persuasive, brotherly way.

Jake is the incarnated modus vivendi of a healthy person - lives through all advice he gives, and inspires others to. In addition to working out and teaching others how to, he reads a lot and is very informed about anatomy and physiology and can discuss such matters expertly.

I would recommend working with Jake entirely and with no reservation. There are people who do a job well and there are people who do it so well, they are in a whole different league. Jake is the latter. He happens to get paid for what he loves doing anyway, and does it far and above even the best other trainers. 

-Andrei A.