Understanding GLP-1

Chances are, you’ve heard of the new weight loss drugs Ozempic or Wegovy. And chances are also pretty good that you’ve heard of GLP-1. Almost everyone has heard of this magical GLP-1 but few actually know much about what it is. I have to admit, personally, I had no idea what it was until about a year ago when I was reading about these amazing new weight loss drugs. GLP-1 is short for glucagon-like peptide-1. In the world of weight management, GLP-1 is completely changing the game, shaping our appetite and blood sugar levels.

My aim in writing this is to strip away the layers of complexity surrounding GLP-1 and reveal how this powerhouse peptide is reshaping the landscape of weight loss. With new drugs hitting the market faster than T-Swift finding her way into the tabloids, understanding GLP-1 has never been more important.

What is GLP-1?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) might sound like it belongs in a sci-fi film, but it's very much part of our everyday biology. Secreted in the gut, this hormone plays a critical role in managing our blood sugar levels. Think of GLP-1 as your body's natural moderator, stepping in to encourage insulin secretion when your blood sugar rises after a meal. But its talents don't stop there; it also helps keep your glucose levels stable by suppressing glucagon, another hormone that would otherwise make your liver release more glucose. GLP-1 does all this with a flair that keeps your body's energy balance in check, promoting a healthier metabolism.

The Role of GLP-1 in the Body

Aside from its role in glucose regulation, GLP-1 is a key player in weight management. By slowing gastric emptying, it helps you feel fuller for longer, effectively reducing your overall calorie intake. This isn't just a minor delay; it's a significant shift that can alter your eating habits and reduce the urge for unnecessary snacking. Moreover, recent studies suggest that GLP-1 might also improve lipid (fat) metabolism and even exert beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, making it a multi-talented hormone in the realm of metabolic wellness. Its effects extend beyond simple appetite control, influencing how our bodies process and utilize the food we eat, turning your meal into a controlled release of energy that helps maintain our health and vitality.

GLP-1 and Protein Interaction

Want to reap the benefits of GLP-1 without the injections? Eat more protein! When it comes to dietary interactions, GLP-1 seems particularly responsive to protein. Proteins, by their nature, are more complex to digest and thus help enhance the satiety effects triggered by GLP-1. This interaction not only helps in controlling appetite but also in optimizing nutrient absorption, which can be crucial for maintaining muscle mass and overall metabolic health. The synergy between GLP-1 and dietary protein underlines the importance of balanced meals in weight management strategies. It's a biochemical partnership that helps influence our eating behaviors, pointing us towards healthier choices and better portion control.

GLP-1 Based Weight Loss Drugs

The pharmaceutical industry has taken note of GLP-1's potential, leading to the development of several GLP-1 agonists—drugs designed to mimic the hormone's effects. These aren't just any weight loss drugs; they represent a new class of medication that can significantly impact body weight, blood sugar control, and even risk factors for heart disease. Drugs like liraglutide (Saxenda) and semaglutide (Ozempic) have shown promising results, not only in clinical trials but in real-life scenarios where users report improved quality of life and manageable side effects. These drugs function by enhancing the body's own GLP-1 activity, leading to better appetite control and increased insulin secretion when needed. They offer a beacon of hope for those who have struggled with conventional dieting and exercise, providing a scientifically backed method to aid weight loss and improve metabolic health. As exciting and promising as these drugs are, it’s crucial to monitor that the weight lost is primarily fat and not muscle. Losing a significant amount of lean tissue can slow your metabolism and potentially diminish one of the most crucial defenses against disease as we age.

GLP-1 And The Genetics of Obesity

Before I fully grasped the significance of GLP-1 and its impact on satiety and blood sugar control, I primarily viewed obesity as a behavioral issue rather than a genetic one. I’ve often remarked that if you look back three, four, or even five generations, obesity was virtually non-existent. Reflecting on this now, I realize how naive that statement was—it's slightly embarrassing, honestly. Of course, obesity wasn’t an issue 200 years ago; food scarcity was the norm back then! If you transported those same individuals to the abundance of today's environment, I'm confident you’d see obesity levels similar to what we witness now.

Genetically, each of us is unique. Consider someone who has a genetic polymorphism affecting the secretion of GLP-1. This variation could limit or delay the hormone's release, meaning they wouldn’t feel full or satisfied as quickly as someone with a standard GLP-1 response. Naturally, this makes them more prone to overeating. Recognizing these genetic nuances is crucial because it highlights how diverse biological responses contribute significantly to behaviors we previously attributed solely to personal choice.

In our journey through the world of GLP-1, it's clear this peptide hormone is more than just a background player in our metabolic processes. With its ability to regulate appetite, improve glucose metabolism, and support cardiovascular health, GLP-1 could well be considered a cornerstone of modern metabolic health management. As GLP-1 based therapies continue to evolve, their role in treating conditions like obesity and diabetes appears increasingly promising.

Interested in capitalizing naturally on the benefits of GLP-1, or are you currently using one of the new weight loss drugs? Schedule a clarity call here to discuss how we can help ensure that the weight you lose is primarily fat and not muscle. Let's tailor your health journey to be as effective and safe as possible!


"Mechanisms of action and therapeutic application of glucagon-like peptide-1," Cell Metabolism, 2018.

This study explores the mechanisms through which GLP-1 influences weight loss and glucose control. Read the study.

"Weight loss and maintenance related to the mechanism of action of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists," Advances in Therapy, 2021.

Discusses the role of GLP-1 receptor agonists in weight loss and long-term weight management. Read the study.

"Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of obesity," Hormone Research in Pædiatrics, 2023.

This article details how GLP-1 receptor agonists can be utilized in managing obesity. Read the study.

"Effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on glycemic control, and weight reduction in adults: a multivariate meta-analysis," Plos One, 2023.

A meta-analysis examining the effects of long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists on glycemic control and weight reduction. Read the study.

"The effect of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists on weight loss in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis," PLoS One, 2015.

Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing weight loss effects of various GLP-1 receptor agonist therapies in type 2 diabetes. Read the study.